About Agility People Services (Agility)

Agility People Services offers services of Training and Human Resources (HR).We work mainly across the Tees Valley area with; Small to Medium Business (SMB) and Clients looking for training courses or and HR compliance, solutions and support for:

Compliance-Focused Owner:
1. Who needs to stay compliant with employment laws to avoid penalties
2. Growth-Oriented Manager: Who wants to upskill their team to meet business goals.
3. Culture-Conscious Leader: Who seeks to enhance workplace culture and employee engagement.

Agility started offering Training and HR services in 1999 within a larger company and set up as its own company in June 2008. Offerring the services of Training and Human Resources to include training in inductions in Employment Rights, Equal Opportunities, Data Protection, Health and Safety, which included Business skills, Management and Customer Services and HR services including recruitment, HR resourcing, policies, procedures and Risk Assessments.


Our key strengths are we have built up a history of experience of working with SMB to offer a range of training and HR support for employers and employees. From 2004 to 2020  period our consecutive successful track record on contracts was good. 2024 has not been any different a range of novel training resources have been develop for management and sales and marketing. Agility have worked on contracts and subcontract which include Tees Valley Work skills, and Work based learning 2013-2019. Apprenticeships and subcontracting 2011-2021, Kickstart 2021-22.  We offer employees career development skills, employability skills employment skills and employer response skills to sustain employment. All training courses and training resources have been developed throughout 2022-2024 to include Management levels 2-6, Essential skills, Career Development Levels 1-6,  CPD, and Sales, Marketing and Telephone SMART calls.   We offer Businesses, a business training plan to build their company with knowledge and skills that they are looking for, and we offer the learner training courses to build their knowledge and skills whilst building their career and sustaining their employment.resou

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Our vision is a belief in our learners and customers ability to achieve, we believe it’s all about them, their career, learning, qualification, company and their service and their future, and to offer the best service of Training or HR to the learner and or the employers.

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Our mission is to work with a range of stakeholders to offer our vision, to work on the trusted services and resources that we know work to get our customers to their desired destination and outcome. We will do this by using our built up knowledge, a range of resources, training resources for trainers, learner engagement learning resources and HR resources. We will also build on our resources for a better future service.



Our values are to aim high for learners and employers, to believe in them and to champion them all the way to achieve. To acknowledge their success and build onto their confidence by illustrating to them what they have achieved by choosing Agility People Services.

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We Are Agility People Services

We offer Training and Human Resources services to support mainly SMB's to build and develop their businesses skills and employees skills.

Working with mainly SMB to offer Training courses, HR support of recruitment we have helped businesses and individuals grow for over 20 years.

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We Are Agility People Services

We offer Training and Human Resources services to support mainly SMB's to build and develop their businesses skills and employees skills.

Working with mainly SMB to offer Training, HR support and recruitment we have helped businesses and individuals grow for over 20 years.

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We Are Agility People Services

We offer Training and Human Resources services to support mainly SMB's to build and develop their businesses skills and employees skills.

Working with mainly SMB to offer Training, HR support and learners we have helped businesses and individuals grow for over 20 years.

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To offer our Training and HR services, Agility has built up knowledge, a range of resources for both the trainer and learner and engagement learning resources and HR resources. We have built up a network of working with learners, SMB’S employers, local LEP’s, borough councils and governing bodies to provide the services that meets all their needs.

TRAINING: See above and tabs Training, Career Development and Short Courses.

Human Resources: See Human Resource Management tab, this includes some policies.  

Training Courses Services

Agility has offered training services since 1999. Agility has a robust training centre, offering training of tailored, bespoken and national recognised qualifications with OCR since 2003, with tried and tested trainer resources and engagement training resources. 

Most training is delivered in our well equipped training rooms of  resources, flipchart, whiteboards, projector, online, computers, IT, IT support, Telephones, Telecoms support, books, training resources, games and puzzles, pens, paper etc and a training portal “CLASSBOOK”.

Human Resource Services

  • Managing HR compliance and employee relations.
  • Developing leadership and workforce skills.
  • Attracting and retaining top talent.
  • Our staff are well experienced and accredited in trainer qualification, occupation experience, HR qualified to offer the services. We offer services of training, recruitment, HR support, Human Resource (HR) Needs Analysis, HR audits, DBS checks, Handbooks and resources, a range of Inductions (Employment, H&S, Data Protection, Equal Opportunity, Diversity, and NRASWA), HR support meetings,  Grievances and Discipline, and HR Consultancy.

Over 20 years of Experience

Since 2003 Agility has successfully completed non regulated training and regulated qualifications approved from OCR and Pearsons of well over a thousand certificates, Diplomas levels 1-5 to include Management, Customer Service, Business Administration, Functional Skills, Teachers Lifelong learning.
You can find course areas, course details, price list on the government ESFA Course Directory Provider Portal, the Department for Work and Pensions Basware, on this website, our facebook, our Linkedin and other website portals such as Course details.

Agility is committed to training and continuous professional development (CPD) of staff. Staff are well experienced, have expertise, and have vocational qualification which meets the stipulation of awarding body which includes PTLLS, Assessors award, IV award, vocational experience, standardisations, subject competence, CTLLS, DTLLS, Cert Ed, PGCE, Career Guidance and Development L6. All trainers are DBS checked. Staff have a Continuous Professional plan for 3 or 5 years, and they develop their expertise continuously.

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Registered in England no: 06610092

VAT no: 123 3383 42

Training Course:

Course: Sales and Marketing & creating Smart calls/scripts.

Attendance venue: Agility, Brunel House, Brunel Road, Middlesbrough

Cost: £49.00 per training session (try the first session free if you are new customer to Agility) 21 sessions at £49.00 = £1029.00 plus VAT

There are 21 individual training sessions that make up the full course usually to be attended weekly but flexible arrangements available.

This Sales and Marketing training course will develop skills and knowledge for SMART calls, Sales and Marketing plans. Learners that complete the full course will have the skills and knowledge to writing a martix of sales and marketing  plan ideas.  The course is for those working or wanting to develop their skills and knowledge in Sales and Marketing. 


The aim and objectives of this Sales and Marketing training course is to identify your company’s unique selling points (plural) and make them your competitive edges over your competitors in sales and marketing.  Learners will learn a range of sales and marketing skills and knowledge including but not exhaustive steering, influencers, motivators, negotiations, and communications further details of sessions below and further details on request.




Telephone: 01642 697690

Email: c.recruitment@agility.uk.com



Attendance Venue: Agility, Brunel House, Brunel Road, Middlesbrfough

Cost: £49 per training session (try the first session free if you are a new customer to Agility) 21 sessions at £49.00 – £1029.00 plus VAT

There are 21 individual training sessions that make up the full course usually to be attended weekly but flexible arrangements available.

This Leadership and Management training course will develop skills, information and knowledge of the learner to lead a company and its people and Manage operationally. Most training is delivered in our well equipt training rooms of  resources, flipchart, whiteboards, projector, online, computers, IT, IT support, Telephones, Telecoms support, books, training resources, games and puzzles, pens, paper etc and a training portal “CLASSBOOK”.


The aim and objectives of this Leadership and Management training course is to identify for the learner Leadership and Management skills, information and knowledge to effectively participate to lead the company and its people  and to manage the company and its people operationally. Learners will learn a range of Leadership and Management topics or areas in these sessions, from Assessing Performances, Emotional Learning, Quality – Benchmarks and competitive edge please see full list of courses below in Leadership and Management and course details for number three (usually one session but sometimes two) on the list Assessing Performances.



Agility People Services Limited

Brunel House, Brunel Road, Middlesbrough, TS6 6JA